Friday, October 24, 2008

APOD Bummer

So I had this awesome picture I got at the Atronomy Picture of the Day (which has some amazing pictures BTW). I planned on getting this particular picture blown up and printed onto a framed peice of canvas from Fed-Ex Kinkos. But alas, I was not able to b/c of the aspect ratio and low mostly due to the low resolution of the picture so I am going to post it here for everyone to see.

This is a pic of the Great Nebulae in the Orion constellation. I love the contrast of the red and the blue and that the red part is somewhat shaped like a heart, although the blue nebula is somewhat yonic. Thats also your word of the day.

Check out the A.P.O.D (Astronomy Pic Of the Day)


NotAppealing said...
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Kirk said...

Yes, it is very yonic. I admit, I had to look it up.

Michele said...

Yes, Kirk's said that a few times in regard to "things" he's seen before, just around the house.

Michael Motorcycle said...

Who is this mysterious person posting comments and then deleting tham?

Michael Motorcycle said...

and I can't spell BTW