Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Humongous Pillow Fight

So there was a giant pillow fight in Rosa Parks circle this Sunday. I was fishing and saw some people walking around with Braveheart-esque face paint and wondered what was going on. Little did I know there were hundreds of people gathered to smash pillows in other peoples faces, how fun that would have been. My Grandmother heard about it down in Tennessee!

There is an Mlive article about it but the general idea was this: a GRCC student wanted to do something fun that involved a bunch of people around town so he organized the event on Facebook and eventually the city ended up sponsoring it and payed the expenses. The guy who planned it is looking to do another "Urban Event" It would be fun to be a part of that. It was suggested by the author of the article that everyone gathers in Calder Plaza and does the Robot for 5 minutes - thats kinda weird, but I break it down with a mean robot so I might have to partake.

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